Herbert W. Franke
Math Art Komet
1.000,00 €(0.00 ETH)
A NEW BEGINNING provides an overview of the upcoming EXPANDED.ART program while delving deeper into the history of digital art, beginning with Herbert W. Franke's photographs from 1953.
Participating Artists: Kim Asendorf | Arvida Byström | Jesse Draxler & Skygolpe | Herbert W. Franke (Estate) | Daniel Gebhart de Koekkoek | die with the most likes | Esra Gülmen | Leander Herzog | Andy Kassier | Clare Kenny | Mario Klingemann | Maya Man | Martina Menegon | Lee Mullican (Estate) | Margaret Murphy | Skye Nicolas | Operator | Manuel Rossner | Travess Smalley | Sasha Stiles | Iskra Velitchkova | Ruohan Wang | Maxim Zhestkov