Voices of Web3
View the collection on OpenSea.
VOICES OF WEB3 is an archive of voices and statements summarising the year 2023 in digital art and culture. It is a document in time on the blockchain, bringing together some of the leading voices shaping Web3 and the history of digital art: artists, curators, and collectors.
The statements have been recorded in the form of spoken word, poems, and songs by the contributors and are frozen in time as VOICE GEMS on the blockchain. The VOICE GEMS were created by Harry Yeff (Reeps100) and Trung Bao, who have developed a voice-centred generative system utilizing data found in a human voice to synthesise the form and colour of the artwork.
Every voice is unique, and with that comes unique fingerprint-like data. Features like pitch, resonance, harmonics, and pace sculpt particle data points in a simulated digital space.
"在變化萬千的 數位藝術和文化領域, 我化為一抹視覺謎團,為多元群體編織著線索。 在社會規範中,我挑釁並重新想象, 一個難以捉摸的亞裔同性戀者, 漂泊在藝術的傳統懷抱之外。 2023年,人工智能照亮了我們的畫布, 但 真正讓我著迷的是 Web3的喃喃低語。 在神秘的場域中,數位身份翩翩起舞。 然而隱秘的剪影騷動,留下模糊了的痕跡。 但透過朦朧,我睥見一個願景, 未來的 Web3 將超越迷思,用智慧的燈塔指點萬千。區塊鏈的神秘詩句 將驗證了藝術的真實性, 並照亮通往永恒的旅程。
In the ever-shifting realm of digital art and culture, I stand as a visual enigma, weaving threads of representation. Amidst societal norms, I provoke and reimagine an elusive Queer Asian, adrift from the confines of art's conventional embrace.
Behold the year 2023, where AI's blazing trails illuminate our canvas, but it's Web3's whispers that truly bewitch me. In cryptic realms, digital identities dance. Yet veiled shadows transpire, leaving trails of ambiguity. But through the haze, a vision emerges—a future where Web3 transcends mystery, enlightening the masses with wisdom's beacon. Blockchain's cryptic verse validates art's authenticity, illuminating paths to eternity."
– Yuyu
Contract address: 0xA8E5Ec62bfec3906817cBb56728523e65E2e681d
Blockchain: Ethereum
Token standard: ERC-721
Metadata: Frozen and decentralized