8-16 MARCH 2024
ECSTACY by Claudia Hart is her second solo exhibition at the gallery in Berlin. On view is a series of twelve unique movies with original sound, envisioning a hybrid female avatar trying out various strategies to escape virtuality.
Claudia Hart describes the evolution of ECSTACY, a journey of creativity in the post-digital age:
"ECSTACY is the endgame of a project that I evolved over the course of 12 years, taking several forms before assuming this most evolved identity. It is a process that I often go through—the experience that art sometimes takes a score of years before finding its place in the world. I originally made a version of the piece by collaborating with 24 of my students in 2012. I made a prototype for them to respond to, sharing the skeleton of a floating avatar with them for each to interpret in their own way, using their own avatar creations. At the same time, I made many variations of mine in twenty colours with different lighting and effects. That first version was shown in an exhibition at a museum in Korea. The show was called BETTER THAN UNIVERSE, curated by Yoo Jinsang, at the Dague Media Art / ZKM collaborative space in Dague, Korea, in 2013/14."
Friedrichstraße 67, 10117 Berlin