Created in 1987, the ECTOPLASMIC KITCHEN SERIES was Victor Acevedo’s first important group of digital art images. The series was created with a software package called Artwork. This was a 2.5D Vector Graphics Software licensed by West End Film/Pansophic. 2.5D (Two and a half ‘D’, D=dimensions) means it supported mouse controlled, manipulation of on-picture-plane graphical objects within any implicate or explicate polygon domain toward convergent perspectival vanishing points. However, the software’s computer graphic capabilities would not be classed as that of a full 3D modeling system.
The original DOS-based image file was saved to a 5.25” floppy disk; usually written to a ‘Pansophic’ flavor of the PIC or Hex format. However, the NFT linked JPG files presented in this exhibition were produced from high-resolution scans of 35mm slides that were output via a 2K Matrix digital film recorder directly from the original computer files in 1987. The slide film was developed by the artist himself in a small dark room, after-hours at the business-to-business 35mm slide production service bureau, where he worked in the Spring of that year.

Victor Acevedo
Ectoplasmic Kitchen v03

Victor Acevedo
Agreement v02

Victor Acevedo
Bathe Matrix

Victor Acevedo

Victor Acevedo