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William Latham

Blue Flow Mutator (also known as Blue Worms Flower)

Mutator AI physics software
00:45 min
Edition: 1 of 1
6.500,00 €excl. VAT
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BLUE FLOW MUTATOR by William Latham is about evolutionary order, disruptive physics, and entropy. The evolved blue flower-like form was created using the Mutator AI Evolutionary system. The blue flower-like form is then exposed to a dense field of large-scale disruptive 3D noise, which forces the blue flower’s worm-like forms to break free of their structural constraints and gradually head towards chaos.

Though very primitive, “the worms” have an Artificial-Life character and, in breaking free, competitively look ahead and try to move into empty space. As it breaks its evolutionary structural bonds, the form heads towards entropy.

Mutator AI Physics Software developed by William Latham and Stephen Todd.