Jack Winthrop
Jack Winthrop is an accomplished artist from Minneapolis, Minnesota (born July 26th, 1989) who recently moved to Los Angeles after living and working in New York City for a decade. When he was developing his style as a child, drawing and creating were like breathing. Almost involuntary. Winthrop’s curiosity drove him and his diligence to create new things on a daily basis.
Winthrop mostly paints large-scale paintings on canvas. Manoeuvring between an eclectic range of styles and subjects, he challenges the conventional and explores the boundaries between fine art and subculture or street culture. By breaking down the human form, he creates work appealing like a mirror that transcends the filter we perceive as ourselves.
PEACE arose from the techniques Jack Winthrop learned from drawing, painting, and creating throughout his life by dissecting and dissolving them through abstraction. Winthrop deploys refined and sophisticated judgments through form, color, composition, balance, tension, and aesthetic, which he attributes to his education in the field of design. Peace is the translation and transformation of the artist’s engrossment towards the human condition, which he visualizes in his works.